The broccoli is all over and I have abandoned the remaining stalks to Itty, who appears to be quite happy with her little corner and is staying out of mine…..for the time being anyway. Spinach is done and the 2 remaining plants bolted already, as if to say, let’s move on already…..
I’m afraid I’m gonna be over-run by tomatoes this summer. My friend Delton had a few extra’s that he didn’t have room to plant, so I “graciously” took them off his hands. (Truth is I would have begged—I think I did, a little.) So now I have San Marzano, Celebrity, Jet Sonic, Sun King, Early Girl, Tommy Boy, Roma, and one more I cannot remember the name of. In addition to these, I’ve got some carrots, yellow and red bells, and my ole stand-by beets, and then there is the artichoke from last year. Bruce wants me to plant corn again, but I’m hesitant since it seems to be a tomato year, and where the heck do I put the corn? Corn begs for a stand (like 3×3 plants–can’t do just a single row). I have one corner left for some sun loving wild vine-thing like watermelon.
Also I decided to use a stray emitter, who’s plant gave it up sometime in the winter. It’s also full sun. Hmm…it now looks a bit like I’m starting to landscape with vegetables. Cantalope would be a good choice for that emmiter right now. So much to do……so little time to play…..
PS. Lamont, I signed up with a CSA for a box of organic, home grown groceries weekly for the next 5 months. You familiar with CSA’s?