Cage for Lettuce 3/4 PVC and Chicken Wire

Cage for Lettuce 3/4 PVC and Chicken Wire

The title is taken from a post by waterbug1961 of the same name, the subject is of an issue that will someday be a concerne for us all.

This post is simply to encourage you all to fight the good fight and protect your crops. I’ve taken the position that I don’t mind sharing my crops with the birds and squirrels but I want to control the when and the how of my sharing.There is not much that rivals the nurturing up of a plant and it’s fruit, tending it, photojurnalling and then its gone! Or maybe not gone but mauled beyond use. AAAAAH!

So I encurage you all to continue and seek ways to help ensure that you can control your garden. Please share your experiences, designs and stories. Upload your photos and drawings. If you need help, just contact me. Click here or the photo to see a few of mine.

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