Tomatoes are likely the most common indicator as a litmus test for calcium defieciency in the vegetable garden. Although there are other plants that will readily provide a clue, because of the popularity of tomatoes combined with the ease of identifying the sypmtom makes the tomato my best indicator of low calcium. Read the rest of this entry »
Well, today I stopped by my favorite nursery and began to speak about my seemingly expiring tomato plants and found that there is still hope for them. Read the rest of this entry »
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Every since I began gardening I’ve noticed a lot more critters in my yard; finding lizards just hanging out in the garden or drowning in the pool has just been part of the story.
Now we all (in Tucson) live in the desert and certain things come with living in the desert like, dry lakes and rivers that flood and cacti that can not only hurt you if you come in contact with them but some that have the fame of “jumping” on you. Well, along with this are the scorpions and snakes.
Today while performing my duties in the garden, after the flurry of departing lizard subsided, out of the corner of my eye I saw something still in motion. The movement was not like the blur of fleeting swift footed lizards, this was different. Focusing in on the movement I quickly determined that I had a snake in my garden!
Prior to the snake, the last special gust that that visited were ducks. Not certain that the garden had anything to do with their being here but I know that I’ve lived here nearly 10 years and never have seen ducks in my yard or in the general area.
I ran the ducks off and they returned 4 hours later. I ran them off a second time and they have not returned to date. More than a month has passed since the ducks were here, maybe it was an anomaly.
Prior to having the garden there have been a number of regular visitors and from time to time they will pose for my camera. Here are a few photos of the critters that have visited my yard.
Gardening for many years, on and off, doesn’t make me a master gardener, or even a very successful one. It does make me a more patient and observant person, I have found. All my attempts have been toward organic, and as a result, I have some unique ideas and observations along the lines of companion planting, side dressing and the abundant use of compost, worm castings and manure. Read the rest of this entry »
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Lettuce will allways have a place in my garden! The yield it good and the texture and flavour of home grown FRESH lettuce will spoil you.
Careful consideration must be made to ensure adequate sunlight, water and drainage for good growth, be prepared to protect your lettuce from both the critters and your friends!
To see how I protected my lettuce search “lettuce cage”.
To see more photos, click on the photo.
There is so much to learn and to know about gardening and I, in my first season could not possibly know enough to be considered knowledgeable on any subject concerning the propagation of of any plant but I have learned some things. Read the rest of this entry »
I am reviving this site and my efforts to develop a community of gardeners. For a million reasons I’ve not had time to garden or manage this site. My last posts were in 2014. Now… nearly 10 years later I am back at it. I’ve freed myself of other interest and am focused on developing my garden and my gardening skills and I want to take as many of you with me on my adventure!
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