- Fall Garden Success Storyby LamontWith a title like this you can be sure there is no tomato in this story! My fall garden is actually a success story about my carryovers from the summer. I have been and continue to be happy with nearly all of my peppers, cucumbers, green beans and okra (which i like growing more than… Read more: Fall Garden Success Story
- Tomato Horned Worm (Reasons to sit down in your garden)by LamontTending the garden is more than just weeding, pruning, fertilizing, watering and harvesting. If this were all there was to it we organic gardeners could spend lots of time doing whatever else that keeps us from gardening, and when we would return to the garden there would be no unpleasant surprises. Somehow the use of… Read more: Tomato Horned Worm (Reasons to sit down in your garden)
- UCI (Unidentified Chomping Insect)by LamontIt is certainly eye-catching, but I can’t help thinking that I really don’t want to fall in love with it. I do appreciate God’s creations, but there are some that I just would like to do without. This worm or actually caterpillar, was found on one of my tomato plants today, so I took a… Read more: UCI (Unidentified Chomping Insect)
- Loosing my Squashby LamontWell I thought it was a wasp. Now I wish it were a wasp! In fact I think that I would rather it had been a wasp, and that it stung me and left me alone to suffer the pain of the sting. I grabbed my camera, and of course I was thinking that it… Read more: Loosing my Squash
- Cucumbersby LamontI’ve got cucumbers! These are my first and are good looking and tasty! I planted along the fence and they have climbed well with very little help from me and are producing well. Nothing special and easy to grow and so far no critter issues of any kind. I should have plenty to share.
- Keeping out the Verminby LamontThe title is taken from a post by waterbug1961 of the same name, the subject is of an issue that will someday be a concerne for us all. This post is simply to encourage you all to fight the good fight and protect your crops. I’ve taken the position that I don’t mind sharing my… Read more: Keeping out the Vermin
- Snake in the Gardenby LamontEvery since I began gardening I’ve noticed a lot more critters in my yard; finding lizards just hanging out in the garden or drowning in the pool has just been part of the story. Now we all (in Tucson) live in the desert and certain things come with living in the desert like, dry lakes and rivers… Read more: Snake in the Garden
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