1500 Gallon tank with First Flush bypass and underground conveyance to and from the tank. Using 4 inch PVC. The shallow trenching supports the positive gravity flow and is not a problem in Tucson where deep freezes are not an issue.
  • (1)This view shows the single 4 inch downspout from the roof catchment leading to the First Flush (FF) unit.
  • (2)The lateral pipe out of the left of the FF unit is the actual reservoir for the FF capacity (See FF installation).
  • Once this pipe is full the rain water is forced up though the (3) vertical pipe and into the top of the storage tank.
  • (4) The pipe out of the side of the top of the tank is the overflow output.
  • (5) The smaller 2 inch run of pipe (seen in the left trench) is an evacuation drain pipe to clear the downspout and the main conveyance pipe of standing water to prevent stagnate contamination during long periods between rains.
  • The valve (near the left foot) allows the evacuation of the FF reservoir pipe without having to remove the FF pipe end cap.
  • The FF end cap has a selection of removable diaphragms of different size openings to allow the slow emptying of the FF pipe/reservoir.
Head Waters

  • Headwaters… So-called beginning of the flow of water through the tree swells and off the property.
  • (4) The pipe out of the side of the top of the tank is the overflow output (Pipe on the right).
  • (5) The smaller 2 inch run of pipe (seen in the left trench) is an evacuation drain pipe (Left Pipe).
  • (2)The lateral pipe out of the left of the FF unit is the actual reservoir for the FF capacity (Center pipe).

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