How exciting.  A local organic farm sells shares to the public.  That’s good news for a backyard gardener like me.  I can’t grow enough in my limited space to eat the variety I’d like.  Don’t like paying exorbitant prices that many stores ask for their organics, so this is an excellent option.  Once a week I pick up a bag of produce (not of my choice, but then, I’m not that picky) and take it home to cook up.  The cost is approximately $25 per week and I signed up for 20 weeks.  They pull it, bag it, and take it to the pick up location…..where I am there waiting…..what a deal.  Nothing more than 3 hours out of the ground or off of the plant.  The only place I could do better is in my own yard.  Plus, I get to visit “the farm” anytime I like and get their advice on how to grow stuff.  I’m practically in heaven now, or the garden of eden….how cool is that?

CSA is a term meaning:  Community Supported Agriculture.  A relatively new idea to support local farms.  The farm sells shares and then gets participation from the Share Partner on the farm,  or money, (or both) to enable them to continue farming.  The community Share Partner gets a portion of the farm’s harvest, whatever it is, delivered to them each week, so the farm doesn’t have to send their produce on week long trips in huge trucks to supermarkets.  (A process that reduces the quality of the produce and severely limits the income to the farm.)  The Share Partner picks it up  himself from a pick-up location and everybody wins.  Produce is fresher and healthier, the local economy and the local farmer benefits the most, the Share Partner gets the best from the farm and helps the local community to boot.

Next, I’m gonna find me someone who raises chickens and goats.

2 Responses to “Sleeping Frog Farms Goes CSA”

  1. Lamont says:

    This is exciting Kath!
    Tell me more about the produce… Is the selection provided been to your liking and how about the quantity… is there much more than you would use… is there too much for two people? Do you have contact information?

    I will see if my Sweetie is interested in this!
    Hey are you still utilizing the Angel Food program?

  2. kathyb says:

    I won’t know much more until May 9th, when I pick up my first box at St. Philips Market. I got the name of this farm from where all the local CSA’s are listed. I went to visit them to see how they grow their stuff. I want good quality organic produce and they passed muster. There are pictures on their website that show the actual farm, growing conditions and the guys that work the fields. I met their newest baby goat. Really cute. They also produce chicken eggs, but aren’t getting enough eggs yet to include them in the boxes, so they just sell them at their produce stand. All my information is at the office and I’m at home now, but I’ll email you tomorrow with all I have if you can’t locate them using the site. Look for the farmers markets tab. Several of the area restaurants use their produce…

    I stopped using the Angel Food program because they include too much processed food with wheat and dairy. I’m sensitive to dairy and wheat, so don’t eat them. I try to avoid processed food anyway. There is enough processing going on in my kitchen.

    There were 2 CSAs that caught my eye, but this one was closest and this particular one would let me come see the growing location. I liked that….it seemed more “open”.

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