IMG_0632Here are the broccoli babies I’ve been raising since middle of July.  They are now in 4″ peat pots and setting outside on my porch where they get about 2-3 hours of sun per day.  They’ve been outside for 2 days now, and will be taking on more and more sun until they can take it for 6 hours.  Then, I’ll put them right into the prepared garden bed that waits for them.  I’m giving them half strength fish emulsion to keep them strong & healthy.  Unless Itty can’t resist them, they should be ready to plant by the last week of August…..just around the corner…..

One Response to “Hardening Broccoli Babies”

  1. kathyb says:

    Looking at this picture, they look so fragile and delicate. Of the 8 that I planted, 4 lived and are very healthy looking. The other half got eaten by a mouse. Now very dead mouse.

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