GardenersGrand1 on January 21st, 2012

Select garden location. Prepare location [clean, weed, amend] Get seeds or seedlings that you want to plant. [tomatoes, corn, broccoli, etc.] Grandpas garden was a mess!!!!!! So if it wasn’t for me, it wouldn’t have gotten done. Lucky for him he had his handy-dandy grandchild… me! we had to rake, shovel, weed, and fix a […]

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kathyb on August 14th, 2009

Recently, Lamont lost a pepper plant to blight and he reminded me that the Great Potato Famine of Ireland was caused by blight.  Then I read an article mentioning monoculture, which is growing a single crop in the same location year after year.  (Polyculture is the healthy rotation or mixing plants together, as in companion […]

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kathyb on July 31st, 2009

In Tucson the season for growing Broccoli has just begun.  Plant it between July 15th and October 1, according to the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Office.  It has 4 main types:  Large-headed varieties (Belstar is one I just ordered from, need plenty of space and crowding them reduces head size.  Romanesco varieties need […]

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