Lamont on March 10th, 2011

Is there anybody out there?! Well if you haven’t guessed yet, the weather is changing daily. For us in Tucson, if we don’t hurry and take advantage… we will find ourselves behind in our planting. As I write this, I am feeling sad because I’ve made the decision to not plant this season. I want […]

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kathyb on August 18th, 2009

Here are the broccoli babies I’ve been raising since middle of July.  They are now in 4″ peat pots and setting outside on my porch where they get about 2-3 hours of sun per day.  They’ve been outside for 2 days now, and will be taking on more and more sun until they can take it […]

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kathyb on July 31st, 2009

In Tucson the season for growing Broccoli has just begun.  Plant it between July 15th and October 1, according to the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Office.  It has 4 main types:  Large-headed varieties (Belstar is one I just ordered from, need plenty of space and crowding them reduces head size.  Romanesco varieties need […]

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kathyb on July 28th, 2009

It’s just about time now to start our 2nd season, or extended season, or fall planting….whatever….. We should be well into our amending and soil preparation for August planting.  I’m ready for some more big ‘ole juicy vine ripe tomatoes, that I’m not finding at the grocery store.  Some that have that excellent vine ripe […]

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