They did not die! I thought I’d get right to the point. In spite of my bad timing, the peppers that I relocated to a new bed appear that they are going to survive.
1. What is “organic gardening” anyway? Organic gardening is often defined in negative terms, as in “gardening without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.” In fact, organic gardening is much more than that.
Continue reading about Organic Gardening Frequently Asked Questions
The title is taken from a post by waterbug1961 of the same name, the subject is of an issue that will someday be a concerne for us all. This post is simply to encourage you all to fight the good fight and protect your crops. I’ve taken the position that I don’t mind sharing my […]
Well, today I stopped by my favorite nursery and began to speak about my seemingly expiring tomato plants and found that there is still hope for them.
Every since I began gardening I’ve noticed a lot more critters in my yard; finding lizards just hanging out in the garden or drowning in the pool has just been part of the story. Now we all (in Tucson) live in the desert and certain things come with living in the desert like, dry lakes and rivers […]
Lettuce will allways have a place in my garden! The yield it good and the texture and flavour of home grown FRESH lettuce will spoil you. Careful consideration must be made to ensure adequate sunlight, water and drainage for good growth, be prepared to protect your lettuce from both the critters and your friends! To […]
There is so much to learn and to know about gardening and I, in my first season could not possibly know enough to be considered knowledgeable on any subject concerning the propagation of of any plant but I have learned some things.
I am reviving this site and my efforts to develop a community of gardeners. For a million reasons I’ve not had time to garden or manage this site. My last posts were in 2014. Now… nearly 10 years later I am back at it. I’ve freed myself of other interest and am focused on developing […]
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