Lamont on March 10th, 2011

Is there anybody out there?! Well if you haven’t guessed yet, the weather is changing daily. For us in Tucson, if we don’t hurry and take advantage… we will find ourselves behind in our planting. As I write this, I am feeling sad because I’ve made the decision to not plant this season. I want […]

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kathyb on April 2nd, 2010

The broccoli is all over and I have abandoned the remaining stalks to Itty, who appears to be quite happy with her little corner and is staying out of mine…..for the time being anyway. Spinach is done and the 2 remaining plants bolted already, as if to say, let’s move on already….. I’m afraid I’m […]

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kathyb on November 8th, 2009

The last of my summer garden still lingers.  Its the 3 bell pepper plants that I kept as an experiment.  Lamont and I wanted to see if they would “return” after the heat of the summer was gone.  They did, and when the heat began to give way to cooler temperatures, say middle August or […]

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Lamont on October 17th, 2009

With a title like this you can be sure there is no tomato in this story! My fall garden is actually a success story about my carryovers from the summer. I have been and continue to be happy with nearly all of my peppers, cucumbers, green beans and okra (which i like growing more than […]

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Lamont on September 16th, 2009

Tending the garden is more than just weeding, pruning, fertilizing, watering and harvesting. If this were all there was to it we organic gardeners could spend lots of time doing whatever else that keeps us from gardening, and when we would return to the garden there would be no unpleasant surprises. Somehow the use of […]

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kathyb on August 18th, 2009

Ok,  Here are the bell peppers that I’ve experimentally saved from the Spring garden.  Usually, when the heat hits and they wilt, drop their flowers and stop producing fruit, I pull them up.  This time I cut them back in July to help them survive the heat and just waited.  Now, August 18th, they are […]

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kathyb on August 5th, 2009

As of August 18th it is reviving.  Daytime temperatures are still over 100 and it wilts midday, but evenings are becoming much more comfortable for all my garden plants.  Look at the progress…..                 This is the green bell pepper that I had cut off  to a 2″ stub and was going  to pull it out, […]

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kathyb on August 4th, 2009

  Well, it’s now August and my bell pepper experiment is going right along.  These are the two scraggly peppers doing their best to beat the heat.  They were twice this size, but when everything else died from heat exhaustion, they lingered on.  I cut them back to half their size, I think it was early […]

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Lamont on July 28th, 2009

Plant compatibility has many aspects to consider. This post addresses the issues that I experienced associated with the proximity between peppers and tomatoes. Taking from the ideas of “Square Foot Gardening” I attempted to maximize my limited space by alternating and nestling my pepper rows between my tomatoes. The idea was that I new the tomato plants […]

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Lamont on July 15th, 2009

They did not die! I thought I’d get right to the point. In spite of my bad timing, the peppers that I relocated to a new bed appear that they are going to survive.

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